Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mallory had to hide behind me to keep my veil in place. It wanted to fly up, up and away.

The lighting makes this one not quite a cool as it could have been, but you get to see my train! It was way longer than I had planned on getting, but I love it!

This one is Krista's favorite!

I was cleaning up my flash drive today and found some of my bridal pictures. Originally I had no intention of doing bridals, but Wesley asked me to and so did his mom and his sister. What was I to say? We didn't hire a photographer, they just took the pictures, so it really didn't cost me anything! We went to the American Fork amphitheatre, which is beautiful stone. All of Wesley's sisters came, along with both of our moms. I like them! I can't wait for my wedding pictures!

1 comment:

Brittany Lewis said...

yay! lovely pictures, kassie. thanks for inviting me to your blog! i hope you're having a grand summer!