Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Family Pictures

So, I know it has been a really, really, REALLY long time since I posted. My only excuse is that the only time I am really on the computer is at work, and I don't have access to all my pictures at work. That and I just don't take as many pictures as I used to. We don't have any kids yet to take a million pictures of. :) I still don't have access to many of my pictures, but I wanted to share the family pictures that we have taken before my brother left on his mission and before Wesley's brother left on his mission.

The 5 Messenger siblings
Here we have the Messengers. There are only 8 as opposed to....
14! Here we have the entire family, all 14 of us!
Just those who were in the original Johnson family :) Only 10.

1 comment:

Brittany Lewis said...

Nice pics, Kassie! Hope to see you and Wesley sometime soon. :)