There are some days when I am absolutely opposed to video games/computer games. They take up time that could be used being productive, they can become addictive and many of them are simply mindless killing, which never did anyone any good. They take up all of my husband's attention to everything: the house, the garden, the dishes, the time and especially me. Of course there are also days when I love video games because they take up my husband's attention and I can do what needs to be done. This week has not been one of those weeks when I love video games. My husband stayed up way too late playing blow 'em up games when both of us were already tired, he wanted to play the computer as soon as he got home from work, while I was trying to get dinner ready, and today he has totally lost track of what time it is when we really ought to be driving home. I understand that he feels that they relax him and I want him to play and have fun, I just wish sometimes that he would choose a less stressful time for me, to focus all of his attention on the screen. I do admit, that there are a few computer games that I like, really just a couple and they are fun, especially when we play together. Really, I would just love a little bit more moderation.
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